[sync] how to debug activesync "connection" problems

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Tue Feb 21 16:37:39 UTC 2012


I try to eval and test the ActiveSync part in horde. Therefore I have a 
4.0.13 horde environment (groupware... imp) on a apache2-2.2.12 with 

IMHO all needed prerequirements are fulfilled - test.php looks good so far.

The client ActiveSync part I would like to try with a android 2.3.6 atm.

My problem right now seems to be very early in ActiveSync connection:

If I try to connect with the droid it ends up in a apache ssl log...

  ...TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "OPTIONS /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync HTTP/1.1" - "-" 

(big eyes on OPTIONS)

and for this the access log just gives me a 200:

  ..."OPTIONS /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync HTTP/1.1" 200 -

But nothing else happened. So I put in rpc.php as first cmd

   system("touch /tmp/I-was-there");

...and I got the information: I never was there(!)

So I played around with all redirect and alias settings from our wiki 
page but nothing helped.

If I give it a try with a browser - just to see if something general 
seems to be wrong - I can access rpc.php. The log looks different and 
now I see the well known and expected...

...ssl log:

   ...TLSv1 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA "GET /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync 
HTTP/1.1" 71 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:10.0) 
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0"


   ..."GET /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync HTTP/1.1" 500 71

...which ended in a expected 500 caused by rpc.php ("Trying to access 
the ActiveSync endpoint from a browser. Not Supported."). And yes now I 
get the "I-was-there" file touched in /tmp.

I assume something mysti with the http option request. f.e. I found 
something like this 

So... does anybody know something more?

Right know I can't sniff http since the droid only accepts https. Maybe

I need to load/unload/configure some apache further modules to get this 
problem fixed?

Any help is appreciated - thank you!

Freundliche Gruesse,
Stephan Lauffer

[ University of Education Freiburg - Germany ]
[ http://www.ph-freiburg.de/zik/             ]
[ Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -559/ -486           ]

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