[sync] Multi device activesync in practice

Chris Smith CSmith at mbasys.co.uk
Thu Jun 27 16:23:34 UTC 2013

Hi All!


I can't believe the effort, thank you all so much!! Nearly a year after
my first attempt, now activesync runs (nearly) perfectly on all my
devices (Android, iOS, BB). Thanks again J


I have noticed a few differences between my expectations/hopes/dreams
and the actual synchronisation of the devices, I wondered if anyone
please had any suggestions/thoughts?


1.	All devices: Mail from the same domain, or the domain of any
"identities" does not get synced to the device.
	E.g: user1 at doma.in receives mail from user2 at doma.in. IMP shows
the mail but devices do not.
	Is this by design? I've had a brief look over
/usr/share/php/Horde and within ~/lib but initially found nothing
2.	Marking a message as read though mail client/IMP will always
cause the next email sync to fail (perhaps more accurately, return 0
changes to the device). Even if there are other unread messages received
by the MDA since the last sync. I'd hope that, regardless of the state
of the mailbox(es), mail would always be sent to the device.
3.	Samsung Galaxy S2: Mail delivered to both the inbox and a
subfolder (same message, same time) is duplicated on the device. The
INBOX copy shows up once (clear when you mark the message as read), but
the subfolder copy shows up 3 times (again, clear when you mark the
message as read). 


The server currently runs Horde 5.1.0 without issue, all other
activesync features that I've tested work very, very well.


Thanks for the time taken to read and understand, I'd be very grateful
for any info or thoughts- I'm happy to test out any suggestions,
although I guess the first response will be "update"!


Enjoy your evenings,



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