[sync] Outlook 2013 Seemingly Random Duplicate Emails using ActiveSync

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri May 15 15:21:35 UTC 2015

Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting Tim ODriscoll <tim.odriscoll at lambrookschool.co.uk>:
>> On Fri, 15 May 2015, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>> Please provide the full synclog. Hatd to comment without any context.
>> Hi Mike,
>> I've sent this to you direct as it's quite large and contains  
>> emails/subject lines I don't really want on list archives. I grep'd  
>> the log file with this:
>> 2015-05-15T08:0
>> .. in an effort to get useful information out of a ~900Mb log.
>> One of the duplicate emails has a message ID that contains the string:
>> 000001d08edd
>> Time stamps for the two entries are:
>> 2015-05-15T08:08:58+01:00
>> 2015-05-15T08:09:35+01:00
>> Upon further user-interrogation, I've discovered that this  
>> duplicate email issue only occurs when Outlook is started up in the  
>> morning and does it's initial sync. Whilst Outlook is running  
>> normally during the day, no duplicate emails appear. It's only in  
>> the morning when the PC/Outlook is turned on, and then it's not  
>> every message it happens to.
>> It's very odd!
> It's related to the MOREAVAILABLE functionality. If you look at the  
> group of messages the first time the message is sent, you'll see  
> that it's the last 4 messages that are sent again in the following  
> request that says it is sending messages remaining from the previous  
> sync. For some reason, the state isn't being updated to reflect that  
> it was already sent, or for some reason the message UID is returned  
> twice from the IMAP server and we don't detect that.
> Either way, the log was helpful. I'll look into it when I'm back in  
> front of my dev box and have the time.

Forgot to mention, you should create a ticket on bugs.horde.org so  
this doesn't get lost.

The Horde Project
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