[turba] Feature Request

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 13:24:06 -0700

Quoting "Derek J. Balling" <dredd@megacity.org>:

 | On Saturday, August 17, 2002, at 02:41  PM, Edwin Culp wrote:
 | > For this to work I have the following, sort of dynamic, configuration in
 | > horde/turba/config/sources.php.  This will not work as is because of an
 | > additional object class that I have defined below as megacitykey that I
 | > think can be safely eliminated, if I remember correctly.  There is an
 | > issue with changing password because of not being able to do an 
 | > anonymous
 | > bind to get the dn but you have the options of allowing anonymous binds
 | > or making a few minor modifications to the password code which I decided
 | > was the best solution in my case.
 | I wouldn't allow the users to change their passwords via this interface 
 | anyway, just their various contact info.
 | Except that I seem to be binding to the ldap server as the user in 
 | question (because if I turn off the ability for "*" to see, say, 
 | "facsimiletelephonenumber", I can see it on searches for "me", but not 
 | for others.
 | But, if I edit, and save the changes, they don't actually "stick". I 
 | tried editing "someone else's" data and it's the same "success but 
 | nothing changes", so I'm wondering if somehow the "bind to write" is 
 | failing and nothing is noticing the error?
Your slapd.log?  
 | The only thing I really changed was changing the objectclass where I 
 | thought "maybe I need to add all the various classes mentioned in the 
 | ldap object"... to no avail. Any thoughts?

I'm no expert but it sounds like ldap acl issues.  Take a look at slapd.log
or equivalent while trying to make a change.  It should give you an idea
what is going on.  The other option would be post your acl's.
 | $cfgSources['localldap'] = array(
 |      'title' => 'Byram Company Directory',
 |      'type' => 'ldap',
 |      'params' => array(
 |          'server' => 'ldap.byramhealthcare.com',
 |          'port' => 389,
 |          'root' => 'ou=People,dc=byramhealthcare,dc=com',
 |          'bind_dn' => 'uid=' . $uid . 
 | ',ou=People,dc=byramhealthcare,dc=com',
 |          'bind_password' => $pass,
 |          'dn' => array('uid'),
 |          'objectclass' => 
 | array('person','organizationalPerson','inetOrgPerson','top'),
 |          'version' => 3
 |      ),
 |      'map' => array(
 |          '__key' => 'dn',
 |          'name' => 'cn',
 |          'email' => 'mail',
 |          'workPhone' => 'telephonenumber',
 |          'fax' => 'facsimiletelephonenumber',
 |          'cellPhone' => 'cellphonenumber'
 |      ),
 |      'search' => array(
 |          'name',
 |          'email',
 |          'workPhone',
 |          'cellPhone'
 |      ),
 |      'strict' => array(
 |          'dn'
 |      ),
 |      'public' => true,
 |      'readonly' => false,
 |      'admin' => array(),
 |      'export' => true
 | );
 | -- 
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