[turba] Moving from old webemail to turba addressbooks

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu Oct 24 14:48:17 2002

Quoting Matthias Mahrholz <Matthias.Mahrholz@urz.uni-magdeburg.de>:

> in two tests after 'Log in':
> - no Options
> - no entries in 'My Addressbook'
> New entry in 'Options' and 'My Addressbook':
> owner_id in turba_objects and pref_uid in horde_prefs without domain!

You need to setup the "realm" parameter in horde/imp/servers.php (which
is easy for single domain, complex for your example of multiple domains)
or setup a hook for returning the info with the domain.  See the mailing
IMP list archives for either option (I don't use multiple domains, so while
I can try to help, I won't be of great help).

I would think the vinfo hook would be your best bet, though setting
the realm in servers.php dynamically should also work.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!