[turba] Connecting Turba with a windows 2000 active directory

Giannis Stoilis giannis at stoilis.gr
Mon Jan 20 10:41:32 PST 2003

Αρχικό μήνυμα από  Fred <fred at khebyxos.dyndns.org>:
> Well you get this problem because you use the default Active Directory
> "Users" 
> OU. In my configuration de "Users" OU is somewhere else, within I have only 
> effective Active Directory users.
> This was the only trick I found to filter out security groups and other non-
> expected entries.

I wouldn't like to start moving Active directory objects around just for that. 
So, I can't apply your advice.

Exchange offers you the capability to create ldap queries in advance, that 
clients can use as addressbook. but in active directory these are objects that 
must be handled, not OUs that I can just see what's under them. It would be 
nice if I could use that...

Is there a way that I can take a full ldap query and convert it somehow to 
insert it in a config file? that would do the trick, I guess... Or maybe I 
could construct a query that fetches only objects that have the mail field 
something like "*@*". That would probably filter out anything not e-mail 
related... Unfortunately, I have only a limited knowledge around LDAP... Can 
anyone help me on that?

> Sorry but I have no other ideas ...
Thank you very much for you help, though... :)

- Stoilis Giannis
giannis at stoilis.gr

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