[turba] modifications

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Feb 18 23:12:57 PST 2003

Quoting Marko Djukic <marko at oblo.com>:

> - now that we horde_form is being used as the basis for input, wanted to
> switch the display of lists away from the contactrow template and to use 
> the horde_form "rows" renderer. some of the more complex fields, like 
> enum and date, do not show up properly in this current template.

Makes sense if it works.

> - the advanced form is not exactly the most ui friendly, wanted to shift
> that to a proper query builder (something like the one in whups? iirc...) 
> with support for and/or/not, and use of the more complex enum/date/etc 
> fields from horde_form

That'd be great. That's a pretty horrible UI.

> - paging and/or rolodex - i've found that having address books with 1000+
> names, and hitting the "browse" button can crash both the browser and 
> apache. my one problem is ldap, been trying to figure that out a bit 
> lately to see exactly what can be done in both ldap and sql, and what 
> needs to be manipulated in php. but was thinking of putting in that only 
> an X number of records are returned per page, and page navigation set up.
> the other suggestion that Jan made was to develop the rolodex extension
> to the ListView. again some paging would be needed, the 1000+ system that 
> is causing me the problems has 290 first letter "B" contacts...

Paging and a rolodex style would both be great to have.

> - wanted to have expandable sections to forms. so that a large form could
> be shown on the screen but that the user could slide open the sections 
> that need to be filled in, or slide closed the ones that are not required. 
> was playing with that in turba, by setting up "header" type fields in the 
> attributes. if we do strict "source" mapping, this is no longer possible, 
> as header fields are obviously not in the source.

I can't quite make a coherent idea out of this paragraph. What do you want
to do?

> - i have a simple pdf mailing label function i set up to work with turba.
> should this be part of turba, or part of horde generally? something like 
> the export functions?

I think this should definitely be available in Turba. Probably as a custom
data driver? Either way, I'd love to have this.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
must ... find ... acorns ... *thud*

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