[turba] Dead Turba install - how do I separate Turba and Imp?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Jun 13 15:07:28 PDT 2004

Zitat von Thomas Harlan <thomash at throneworld.com>:

> I still have yet to get Turba running, and my IMP config is broken 
> (presumably
> because it tries to fetch some Turba-specific data and doesn't get it). When
> attempting to enter either Turba or IMP, I get this error:
> A fatal error has occurred:
> '' is not configured in the Horde Registry.
> [line 753 of E:\Apps\sokkit\site\horde\lib\Registry.php]
> Checking in registry.php, I see that a null appname is being 
> encountered, which
> indicates that -somewhere- the appstack is not getting the right 
> value OR a null
> is being inserted into the stack.

For example if one of the "$this->registry['contacts']" settings is broken
or empty. Simply comment them out for now.


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