[turba] Problems creating LDAP entries in Turba

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Oct 25 00:39:23 PDT 2005

Zitat von Jon-Michael DeShazer <jdeshazer at horanandmcconaty.com>:

> Hi, I am running the latest (non CVS) versions of horde and turba and I
> have them running at almost 100% with no problems, except for one.  I
> have an LDAP server set up and turba is configured to use it.  Turba can
> also edit existing LDAP entries which makes things easy.  Unfortunately,
> I have not been able to create LDAP entries using turba yet.  Here's the
> message I get when it attempts to do so:
> Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: net_ldap in
> /var/www/localhost/htdocs/horde/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php on line 537
> I have PEAR installed with the Net_LDAP module running (version 0.6.6)
> but it still doesn't work.  Any ideas?

This can't happen, unless you have a different Net/LDAP.php in your 
include_path somewhere, because you should already get a fatal error a 
few line above, if Turba wasn't able to load Net/LDAP.php. Or you have 
a broken bytecode cache/PHP accelerator.


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