[turba] "Create Address Book" Error

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Mar 11 02:27:59 PST 2006

Zitat von "S. Petty" <spetty01 at gmail.com>:

> Michael Rubinsky wrote:
>> --On Friday, March 10, 2006 3:49 PM -0700 Craig White
>> <craigwhite at azapple.com> wrote:
>>> No - each different address book must have it's own array - just as the
>>> localsql is one address book, you can create another sql addressbook as
>>> long as it has a different name - but using the same table is OK I think
>>> - I only use multiple LDAP address books so I am not entirely certain of
>>> the last issue.
>>> Craig
>> Just to make this clearer - using shares in Turba with a SQL source:
>> Create *one* cfgSources entry for the SQL source - the 'localsql' example
>> should suffice.
>> Set the 'use_shares' value within that cfgSources entry  to true.
>> In the Turba configuration, in the 'Name of source for creating new shares'
>> entry, type in the name of the cfgSources entry for the SQL source. (In
>> this example, 'localsql')
>> This will create one 'My Address Book' entry for each user and allow the
>> user to share this address book with other users as well as allow the user
>> to create  new address books.
>> You don't need a separate SQL source set up in cfgSources for this, only if
>> you wish to create a *totally* separate source, with a separate SQL table
>> (perhaps to have a source with different fields).
> Mike -
> Thanks for that.  That's actually what I did today, and the problem
> persists.  Just to re-iterate, I put 'localsql' in the "Name of source
> for creating new shares" field, I also verified that this line is in
> sources.php:
>   'use_shares' => true,
> However users still cannot create new address books, and get kicked out
> to a login prompt after clicking "Create"  I've tried with admin users,
> and regular users, the problem persists.

Maybe this is a completely different issue. Any chance that cookies  
are turned off? I.e. do you usually have the session id as a parameter  
in the urls?


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