[turba] Manually Adding use_shares in SQL, DataTree Permissions

Tony Lay tonylay at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 10:46:02 PDT 2006

> 1) The *only* time you need to run this script is if you had been using a 
> SQL source as a public source (i.e. public => true) in Turba 2.0.x and now 
> wish to use the new horde share support in Turba 2.1 and later.  If you 
> haven't been using your SQL source as a public source (public => false), 
> but have been providing separate, personal addressbooks to each user, there 
> is no need to run this script to enable share support.  Just set use_shares 
> => true.

I was running public addressbooks before
> > The script hangs after the first prompt
> There is an open bug report for this issue already...
> http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=3676

This ticket did get the script to run.  Not sure if anything happened
though...how can I verify this?

> output of "/usr/local/bin/php -v" or "php -v"?

PHP 4.4.1 (cli) (built: Dec 10 2005 01:25:23)
Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

> Even if the script was not run successfully, and you were using a globally 
> shared source, you should not get a blank screen.

Still getting a blank screen.  Sent another message to the list before I noticed
this message.

> Do you have any errors in your apache log?

No.  No errors for the day and I just ran through everything a few minutes ago.

> Are you sure you have updated all of the horde libraries, config files, ran 
> any other necessary update scripts etc?

I cvs'd things down Apr 7 and ran install-packages.php, all configs and dist
files are accounted for.



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