[turba] 'header' attribute

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Feb 23 22:37:50 PST 2007

Quoting Kevin Conley <kevinconley at northwestern.edu>:

> I thought about making a 1 CHAR column just to have something it  
> will find in the turba_objects table. However, the header also is  
> treated like an entry data field in the options the user can set  
> display on the 'browes' page - now, of course these will always be  
> empty but shouldn't 'header' be treated differently from an actual  
> input to a sql source?

Yes. However Turba doesn't play nicely with all form field types yet,  
and this is one of them.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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