[turba] Title

Martin Waschbuesch martin at waschbuesch.de
Thu Oct 25 09:22:43 UTC 2007


Zitat von Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
> Confused? Me too.
> So, what do we do? Which fields do we want to support and with which meaning?
> Jan.

 From my experience, it would be best to chose one standard and try to  
implement that as fully as possible within turba. The only need for  
worrying about field mapping issues then, theoretically, lies within  
the other application that the file should be imported to or exported  
from, instead of worrying about field mappings during export AND import.

So the question should probably be: Which standard should be followed?

Personally, I'd go for something widely used and open. To my mind, if  
turba uses vcard as its means of importing and exporting contacts, it  
should comply to that standard internally as well. It would mean that  
there is no need to translate or map from any internal turba fields to  
vcard as vcard is already what turba uses.

And it would be easy to answer any questions like 'what sort of fields  
are available in turba? What standard does it follow?'. The answer  
would be simply (e.g.): vCard Version 3, please read RFCs 2425 and  
2426 for further information.


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