[turba] Disappearing contacts from all the personal address books

Andras Galos galosa at netinform.hu
Fri Nov 30 16:19:46 UTC 2007

Examining the situation further, I turned on MySQL query logging and 
found the following queries when I click on my default address book:

SELECT object_id, object_type, owner_id, object_name, object_email FROM 
turba_objects WHERE (owner_id = NULL)

SELECT object_id, object_type, owner_id, object_name FROM turba_objects 
WHERE (object_type = 'Group' AND owner_id = NULL)

SELECT object_id, object_type, owner_id, object_name FROM turba_objects 
WHERE (object_type = 'Group' AND owner_id = 

The first one should return my contacts, and it does if I replace NULL 
with my login name.

And really, print_r-ing the $criteria array in turba/lib/Driver/sql.php 
in the beginning of the _search() function gives this output:

Array (
   [AND] => Array (
     [0] => Array (
       [field] => owner_id
       [op] => =
       [test] =>

Here, I think my login name should appear in the test element.

Could you help me how can this happen, what could I set wrong, or what 
can couse this.

Turba is H3 2.1.5 and Horde is 3.1.5.
Turba's attributes.php, menu.php, mime_drivers.php, prefs.php, 
sources.php are the default, and also Horde's config.

Best regards,
Andras Galos

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