[turba] Invalid address book: after upgrading

jogi at mur.at jogi at mur.at
Fri Sep 3 18:14:23 UTC 2010

Hi Mike et al,

On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 01:34:54PM -0400, Michael Rubinsky wrote:

> That string is a share id. It's how each individual address book is  
> represented when the source has shares enabled.

so maybe I just disable it?  Don't recall ever enabling shares though
...  A side note:  when I redo the listing of search results or indexes
on an address book, the source=STRING is always differnt.  So I really
have a hard time understanding how this behaviour is ever getting a
clean result ...

> What version are you upgrading from? What scripts, exactly, did you run? 
> What fields generated the warnings? Did you make any changes to turba's 
> sources.php file?

Upgrading from turba 2.1.3 to turba 2.3.4.  I ran the following scripts
in this order:


Those were the ones suggested by the UPGRADING.gz file in the doc.

The other upgrades are

horde 3.1.3 to 3.3.8
imp 4.1.3 to 4.3.7
ingo 1.1.2 to 1.2.4

The warning is not a warning but an error.  I get it when I

- click on an address in a list
- try to add an address from an email

I did comment out all the unneeded sources from sources.php (kolab,
etc).  The only entry present is localsql.

Thanks for digging!

j.hofmüller                                http://users.mur.at/thesix/
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