[turba] birthday field

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue May 31 17:12:07 UTC 2011

Quoting Ulli <ulli_um at arcor.de>:

> I sync my contacts over active sync with an android Smartphone.
> It is weird because if I have synced contacts from horde to my  
> Smartphone, the
> birthday will not be shown.
> If I want to add birthdays to the active sync account of the Smartphone the
> field is not available.
> Basically the birthday field will be supported because if I do add  
> an contact to
> the internal memory I can add a birthday date.

None of the native Android clients I have tested include support for  
birthday fileds. When sync'd from server->client, the best that I have  
seen happen is the field is added, but displays the raw value being  
sent (a standard, UTC value).

Birthday information *is* being sent, if it exists in Turba. Works  
fine for me on the clients that I have that support it (iPad, iPhone,  
iPod Touch, TouchDown for Exchange on Android).

If this is not working, you will have to provide sync logs.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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