[turba] Problem with external mysql addressbook

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Aug 26 08:21:30 UTC 2011

Zitat von Claude Tompers <claude.tompers at restena.lu>:

> Hi,
> We have Horde H4 with Turba 3.0.7 installed.
> We have a general addressbook for all our users which is in a different
> MySQL Database than the standard Horde Database.
> Therefore we created the following entry in backends.local.php :
> $cfgSources['restenasql'] = array(
>     'disabled' => false,
>     'title' => 'RESTENA E-MAIL',
>     'type' => 'sql',
>     'params' => array(
>         'sql' => array(
>             'persistent' => false,
>             'username' => 'username',
>             'password' => 'password',
>             'hostspec' => 'mysql.restena.lu',
>             'port' => 3306,
>             'protocol' => 'tcp',
>             'database' => 'restenaweb_db',
>             'charset' => 'iso-8859-1',
>             'ssl' => false,
>             'splitread' => false,
>             'phptype' => 'mysqli'
>         ),
>         'table' => 'EmailDirectory',
>         'filter' => 'locked = 0'
>     ),
>     'map' => array(
>         '__key' => 'address',
>         'name' => array('fields' => array('firstname', 'lastname'),
>                       'format' => '%s %s'),
>         'firstname' => 'firstname',
>         'lastname' => 'lastname',
>         'title' => 'titel',
>         'email' => 'address',
>         'company' => 'institution'
>     ),
>     'search' => array(
>         'name',
>         'firstname',
>         'lastname',
>         'email'
>     ),
>     'public' => true,
>     'readonly' => true,
>     'export' => true,
>     'browse' => true,
> );
> When I try to access this addressbook I get the following error :
> [turba] QUERY FAILED: INSERT command denied to user 'username'@'webmail'
> for table 'horde_cache'.
> It tries to insert something in the horde_cache table in the addressbook
> database, which is not allowed (only read rights) and does not exist in
> this database.
> This table exists in the Horde standard DB.
> Does Turba try to access the wrong database here ?

Sounds like the database configuration parameters are somehow leaking.  
If you made me guess, I would say that this could be some incorrect  
usage of the Horde_Db factories. Please create a ticket.


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