[turba] Turba migration

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Jan 11 15:06:31 UTC 2012

Quoting Alexis Domjan <adomjan at horus.ch>:

> Dear all,
> I've migrated our server and I then installed a new version of  
> Horde, IMP and Turba. As I did not an upgrade of packages I had to  
> perform the database modifications manually, which has been done.
> So, now, a user can get the list of his contacts but when he clicks  
> on a contact he's getting: "The contact you requested does not exist".
> I tried to debug and the problems occures in the file turba/contact.php:
> $vars = Variables::getDefaultVariables();
> $source = $vars->get('source');
> if (!isset($GLOBALS['cfgSources'][$source]))
> And so, $GLOBALS['cfgSources'][$source] is not set and it doesn't go further.
> Anyone would have any idea ?

If you don't follow the upgrade procedures we really can't help you.  
There is no telling what you might have changed incorrectly in your  
"manual" database upgrade.

> Additionnaly I had to change the value of object_type column from  
> 'Object' to 'Group' so that the contacts can be accessible.

What you are doing here is changing every contact entry into a group  
entry. It's amazing that you see anything useful in your contacts with  
this change.

You should start over, this time following the UPGRADING procedures  
and running the appropriate database migrations.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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