[whups] due date
Robert E. Coyle
Tue Nov 26 19:30:46 2002
From: "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck@horde.org>
> Quoting Jeff Clark <jeff@tmtrading.com>:
> > I noticed that quite a few people are using whups for project management
> > and I would like to do the same. For the most part everything seems to
> > be geared to do that, but there's no way to specify a "due date" for a
> > particular ticket (or task). Is this something that's planned or being
> > worked on? If not, I'd like to take a stab at it if someone could point
> > me in the right direction.
> I don't know of anyone working on it, but I can certainly see it being
> useful. Other people's thoughts?
Yes, good idea. However, I think adding this to the search results table will
make it too cramped, so I would like to see the ticket due date replace the
assigned date in that table. The assigned date should still be available when
exporting the data and from the ticket details page.
10: Sin
20: Goto Hell
- From the Futurama Robot Church
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