[whups] Only Admin can create or edit tickets...

Bill Hilburn bhilburn at frontier.net
Mon Jan 6 10:34:27 PST 2003

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Bill Hilburn <bhilburn at frontier.net>:
> > Jan 06 03:23:00 HORDE:  [info] [whups] whups:modules:3 not found [on line
> > 206 of "/var/www/html/horde/lib/Perms.php"]
> You said you created permissions: *how* ? This is the permission whups is
> looking for; you usually edit it by clicking the "edit permissions for this
> module" link on the edit module screen.
> What permissions did you create?

I logged in to Horde as admin, created users, groups and permissions.
(real local users, groups (as departments i.e. Accounting, Sales...) and 
assigned permissions to these groups.

Also in whups admin if you click on 'Edit Module' and at the bottom click on 
Module Permissions it take you to what looks like the same Horde->Admin-> 
Permissions screen

I was looking through the code...

In whups/lib/Create.php, the CreateStep1Form function, the line:
 $modules = Whups::permissionsFilter($backend->getModules(), 'module', 

When I login as admin $modules = 8 (I have created 8 Modules in whups) but 
when I login as a normal user (from the users created above) $modules = 0.

I followed this all the way through and found that in horde/lib/Category.php 
the 'data' array (?) is empty for a normal user but not for admin...

    function &getData()
        return $this->data;

So the permissions always fail for a normal user... Not quite sure how $this-
>data above gets its filled.

Thanks Chuck!

> > I don't quite follow the Horde user, group, permission usage, internally
> > I mean, is there any docs on how Horde uses these internally?
> > (I have not found permission docs)
> Unfortunately, not really yet.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> "People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
>  - Google, thanks to Harpers
> -- 
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Bill Hilburn
NOC Frontier Internet

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