[whups] Only Admin can create or edit tickets...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jan 6 12:58:54 PST 2003

Quoting Bill Hilburn <bhilburn at frontier.net>:

> I logged in to Horde as admin, created users, groups and permissions.
> (real local users, groups (as departments i.e. Accounting, Sales...) and
> assigned permissions to these groups.

Again, *what do you mean by* "assigned permissions to these groups". You
need to give these groups permissions to the modules in Whups - which you do
from the screen below:

> Also in whups admin if you click on 'Edit Module' and at the bottom click
> on Module Permissions it take you to what looks like the same 
> Horde->Admin-> Permissions screen

Yes. That is where you need to assign permissions.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"Block Island Ferry - Fastest Route to Downtown"

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