[whups] Linking tickets

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Feb 6 13:44:59 PST 2006

Quoting Auke Bruinsma <air2 at dds.nl>:

> But what if some-one accedently includes such a ticket number, or
> someone on purpose tries to mess up the system by sending a lot of fake
> support mails with ticket number in it? Or when the system just by some
> bug mismatch the mails?

I think mismatching is unlikely due to the [] syntax. More likely that  
the subject won't match for some reason, and a manual Merge would  
solve that. As for abuse, if we need it we can allow deleting  
transactions (for admins). No real difference then if they add to  
existing tickets or create new ones with the abuse.


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