[turba] Adding additional fields to Turba on Kolab 2.3.4

Greg Conway gconway at gmlnt.com
Fri Feb 10 02:16:11 UTC 2012

I worked it out in the end, so thought I'd post the solution back.

It seems that whilst with Kolab 2.2.4 it was enough to edit attributes.php
and sources.php directly, in Kolab 2.3.4 I must add my changes to the
corresponding template files -


And then regenerate the Kolab config using kolabconf.

Hope that helps some struggling Googler! :)

-----Original Message-----
From: turba-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:turba-bounces at lists.horde.org]
On Behalf Of Greg Conway
Sent: 07 February 2012 20:21
To: turba at lists.horde.org
Subject: [turba] Adding additional fields to Turba on Kolab 2.3.4

Hi all,


This is my first post to the Turba list, so for starters. hello everybody! J


I have 2 x Kolab installations running on the whole very satisfactorily. On
both I am running Horde 3 (as included with the community edition of Kolab)
and I am using z-push to sync with mostly Apple iPhones/iPads running IOS5.


I have some issues with address book syncing, and after studying the z-push
logs, decided Horde was missing some fields that the iPhone users are using.

So I've worked out what fields to add, and how to add them - seemingly by
modifying attributes.php and sources.php.


I've put together my full list of modifications, and I've added them to my
first Kolab server - which is v2.2.4. Initially it didn't work, until I
worked out that inside sources I also need to add my new fields to the
"tabs" array. Following that, the additional fields appeared inside Turba.


However. I made *exactly* the same mods to my Kolab 2.3.4 server, but Turba
has not recognised the change.


My (rather long winded question) is this. what am I missing?! Is there
something extra I need to do to make this work (since Kolab 2.2.4)?


If it helps, I've included exactly the mods I am making (in my own
shorthand, if it makes no sense!), but like I say - these worked fine on my
2.2.4 server.


Many thanks for any help received!


Greg Conway.




add to sources.php -


AFTER> 'cellPhone'         => 'mobile',


                    'pager'                              => 'pager',


AFTER> 'homeCountry'       => 'addr-home-country',


            'otherStreet'        => 'addr-other-street',

            'otherCity'          => 'addr-other-locality',

            'otherProvince'      => 'addr-other-region',

            'otherPostalCode'    => 'addr-other-postal-code',

            'otherCountry'       => 'addr-other-country',


AFTER> 'homeCountry',








AFTER> 'cellPhone',




Rewrite -




                    'workCountry', 'otherStreet', 'otherCity',
'otherProvince', 'otherPostalCode', 'otherCountry'),



Rewrite -


                    'cellPhone', 'fax', 'instantMessenger'),


                    'cellPhone', 'pager', 'fax', 'instantMessenger'),


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