[turba] Lists/groups of contacts syncing thorugh CardDAV

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Aug 20 12:49:34 UTC 2014

Zitat von Soporte sistemas <soporte_sistemas at gva.es>:

> Hi everyone!
> We're testing Horde (v 5.1.6) with turba (v 4.1.4) before deploying  
> it in my company but we're experiencing some problems when syncing  
> groups of contacts between desktop clients and Horde. Concretely,  
> the problems are that the lists/groups of contacts created in the  
> webmail interface aren't properly synced to the desktop client. We  
> only see the name of the group/list but no contacts are attached to  
> it.
> We have tested this with Evolution (v 3.10.4) and Thunderbird (v 31  
> using TZPUSH addon) with the same result in both cases.
> We have tried to find information related to groups syncing, turba  
> and Cardav with no luck. Is syncing of groups of turba contacts  
> supported through Carddav?
> Thanks and regards!

Groups are only possible to be synchronized using vCard 4.0 which  
isn't supported by Horde/Turba, and I don't know anything about how  
widespread the support on clients is.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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