[turba] Quick add email to address book from message

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jun 15 19:37:24 UTC 2015

Quoting Jeremy <jeremy at vaxxine.com>:

> Hi,
> Sorry I should provide more information, We cannot upgrade past IMP  
> 4.3.11 and Horde 3.3.13. In this version of IMP there is not a quick  
> add for a contact to the address book. Unless I am missing  
> something. The previous system with IMP 3.2.8 and Horde 2.2.5 did  
> have it.
> Anyone know what happened to it?

Sorry, maybe someone has a better memory than I, but that version is  
ancient and no longer supported. I don't remember much about the UI  
specifics there.

> On 2015-06-12 11:35 AM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>> Quoting Jeremy <jeremy at vaxxine.com>:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Mu company is upgrading from a pretty archaic version of  
>>> Horde/IMP. Our versions is prior to the modular versions available  
>>> know. For example our address book was not Turba. I am now in the  
>>> process of upgrading it, and it seems to be going mostly well. One  
>>> problem I am having is that there is no longer the ability to add  
>>> an email to an address book from a message you are reading. Is  
>>> there a module for this or some quick code that I can tack in to  
>>> achieve this functionality?
>> It's already possible. Just click on the sender's address and a pop  
>> up menu will show with a number of options.
> -- 
> Jeremy
> Vaxxine Computer Systems
> Server Migration Dept
> Local (Niagara Peninsula): 905-685-1539
> Toll Free: 1-866-595-8473
> Ext. Press 1, then 368
> -- 
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